Meaning of the Leopard Beast Symbol of Revelation 13
Written By E. T. Wilson
Carolina Conference President (1932-1933)
It is a pleasure for me to sit together with brethren whom I have known so many years, and others not so long, but none the less my brethren, and present what I believe to be additional light and truth to God’s last church. As Elder Kern has stated in his opening remarks, I did not ask for a hearing, but did suggest that, if he (Elder Kern) deemed advisable, I would gladly present what I believed to be the truth concerning the Shepherd’s Rod’s interpretation of the Leopard-like beast of Revelation 13:1-10, to a representative body of leading educators here in Takoma Park.
If I did not believe that you men were as honest as I know I am, I would not take your valuable time, nor mine either. It is clearly understood between the chairman of this meeting and myself that nothing savoring of a debate shall enter into our study, for neither of us believe in debates, therefore, I anticipate the most friendly and brotherly discussion of this very important chapter of the Bible, much of which is meeting its fulfillment before our eyes today, and the remainder will doubtless be fulfilled in the near future.
We are all agreed that there is need for a revival and reformation among us, and it is admitted by every true and loyal Seventh-day Adventist that only the overcomers will be permitted to act a part in proclaiming the message when it shall have swelled into the loud cry; and that these overcomers will constitute the leadership of that “great reformatory movement among God’s people,” but said reformers must be reformed first, therefore, I repeat publicly what I have stated privately, that I hold no brief for professed reformers, who preach one thing and live another. With this brief introduction we shall now begin our study by reading Revelation 13:1-3.
This first beast of Rev. 13 is a successor to the four beasts of Dan. 7, as indicated by its likeness to all of them, clearly seen by horns, feet, body, and mouth. In other words, it is rightly called a composite beast. This beast runs contemporaneous with the second stage of the non-descript beast of Daniel 7, as revealed in verse 4 to 8 of Rev. 13; but its image continues until the close of probation, and is seen again, with slightly changed appearance, on the other side of the millennium.
Why does the Shepherd’s Rod say that one of the heads on the leopard-like beast represents the Laodicean or Seventh-day Adventist church? Is such a statement not tantamount to saying that the S.D.A. church is Babylon, which is contrary to the writings of the Testimonies of Sister White? To intelligently answer this compound question we must consider the beast itself, then make comparison between it and other beasts shown to the Revelator.
We all agree that this leopard-like beast of Revelation 13, with its heads, horns, crowns, etc. is a successor to the four beasts of Daniel 7, but let us keep in mind the fact that what Daniel saw was a prophecy and John sees it as a revelation, for Daniel, speaking of the ten horns says, “they are ten kinds that shall arise (future)”, but John saw them already in existence, as indicated by the expression, “having seven heads and ten horns.”—Dan. 7:24; Rev. 13:1.
Another thing to bear in mind is that God does not confuse His symbols, and there being more than one on this composite beast, we do well to find the key that will unlock the entire symbolism – heads, horns, crowns, and blasphemy, that we all speak the same thing, for the world is watching Seventh-day Adventists, and our business is to bring harmony out of confusion rather than to increase the latter. The horn-head on the second phase of the non-descript beast of Daniel 7 is the “key” and reveals a union of two symbols, or a combination of two things, which we all agree was the union of church and state – the papacy. This makes clear Inspirational teaching concerning the wounded head of the leopard-like beast being the papacy. In Daniel’s vision the head and horn were united, but in John’s vision of the same symbols, they are separate, and instead of crownless horns they represent royal rulers, and instead of one there are now six other heads, which denotes the rise of protestantism.
The number seven, symbol of perfection or completeness, represents all of Christendom, all seven sections into which she split, and which is described in the second and third chapters of Revelation, the last section being the Laodicean or S.D.A. church. Since, therefore, Seventh-day Adventists are a part of protestantism, the very last section of it, and John says the names of blasphemy are upon all seven of the heads (margin), it is clearly evident that the same kind of condemnation rests upon our own beloved church, as was upon the other six, for she, too, has lost her first love.—See, Rev. 3:14-18; T. 3 pp. 252-253; T. 5, pp. 160, 137, 217; T. 1, p.129.
The word blasphemy in Revelation 13:1, as also in other places of the Scriptures, especially in the New Testament, seems to carry the thought of hypocrisy, or departure from old standards, a pretense of being something one is not, and just this is the charge against the Laodiceans, but how thankful we ought to be that that the Lord, the one One who knows, has pointed out this condition that we might correct it individually before it is too late. If Isaiah’s calling unfaithful ministers dumb dogs, and Sr. White’s using the same words to describe traitors in her own church, even calling the church itself an harlot, in her backslidden condition, and John’s charging the church with wretchedness, blindness, etc., is not calling the church Babylon; then to say “blasphemy” is seen upon her is not calling the church Babylon.—See, Isa. 56:10, 11; T. 5, p. 211; T. 8, p. 250; Revelation 3rd Chapter.
Furthermore, The leopard-like beast is not a symbol of Babylon, but the scarlet-colored beast is, for the latter, though a likeness-image of the former, but has crownless horns, and the deadly wound has been healed, likewise the Seventh-day Adventist church has been purified, and does not appear either on the seven heads, the second seat of the woman, or the scarlet-colored beast, where she sits on her third seat to be judged as the great whore, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS, AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Therefore, The Shepherd’s Rod does not call the S.D.A. church Babylon, but makes it clear to all who will study carefully and with an unbiased mind that Babylon is the place from which purified Seventh-day Adventists will call God’s people during the loud cry.
In Elder Taylor G. Bunch’s little book, FORTY YEARS IN THE WILDERNESS, also in his fifth article, entitled OFFICE AND WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, February 1949, issue of the Ministry, the above-mentioned purification or sealing of Seventh-day Adventists is set forth in Ezekiel 9, and Revelation 7, and agrees with the teachings of the Rod Publications that the purification of the church is a separation of wheat and tares, prophesied by Ezekiel, and revealed to John, attested to by the Testimonies to the Church, Vol. 3, pp. 266, 267; Vol. 5. pp. 209-211; T.M., p. 445.
In closing this brief study I know of no more startling words concerning the importance of the message I believe takes precedence over all others, that I could read than those found on page 118 of Early Writings:
“I then saw the third angel. Said my accompanying angel, ‘Fearful in his work. Awful in his mission. He is the angel that is to select the wheat from the tares, and deal, or bind, the wheat for the heavenly garner.’ These things should engross the whole mind, the whole attention.”
I am well aware that the theory of any message, be it ever so true, beautiful, logical, unanswerable, without the Spirit of Christ in it, or unless the robe of Christ’s righteousness is worn by those who proclaim it, the message will fall upon the ears of its hearers like sounding brass and tinkling cymbals. Please believe me when I tell you in all sincerity that I long to join you, and have you join me in this closing work for the church, preparatory to giving the loud cry of the third angel’s message, the last to be given to the world.
Humbly submitted to my beloved brethren this 24th day of January, 1949
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