Present Truth | Articles

  • Meaning of the Leopard Beast Symbol of Revelation 13

    This first beast of Rev. 13 is a successor to the four beasts of Dan. 7, as indicated by its likeness to all of them, clearly seen by horns, feet, body, and mouth. In other words, it is rightly called a composite beast.

  • What is The Shepherd's Rod?

    What is The Shepherd's Rod?

    The primary purpose of The Shepherd’s Rod is to unlock the long-concealed mystery concerning the ever-challenging and much discussed subject of the 144,000 (Rev. 14:1), with the central object in view of bringing about among God’s people that “thorough reformation” foretold by the Spirit of Prophecy (Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 8, p. 251).

  • Does Shepherd's Rod teach the S.D.A. Church is Babylon?

    The Seventh-day Adventist Church accuses the message of the Shepherd’s Rod of claiming that the church is none other than Babylon. Is this allegation true?

  • Was there more truth to come to the Seventh-day Adventist Church?

    This question is of paramount importance to the Seventh-day Adventist Church especially in these last days of peril and darkness. If this answer is in the positive, are you availing yourself of it?

  • Ezekiel 9 - Literal or Spiritual?

    What are the facts in regards to the judgment of Ezekiel 9? Has it yet to be fulfilled and is its fulfilment literal or spiritual?

  • In What Manner Were The Scriptures Given? | The Way God Speaks To Us

    God used the dead and the living, the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, the land and water, sun, moon, and stars, to reveal His divine plan and to sustain His servants, etc. ... God has a thousand ways whereby He can render help in a moment. Truly, what more could divine love do for fallen human beings?

  • Sin Against the Holy Ghost, What is it?

    As the Bible is free from error, even so its interpretation under the same Spirit of Inspiration must also be correct. Therefore, the interpretation of the Bible is true, only when it is revealed through a channel of inspiration.

  • Introducing Christ Our Savior | Three Days and Three Nights in the Heart of the Earth

    The question as to how long Christ remained in the tomb, and the day on which He was buried and resurrected, has been as widely discussed as any other Biblical subject. A number of theories have been advanced and doubtless much valuable time has been wasted; however, confusion upon the subject has not lessened, but rather increased.

  • The Prophecy of Daniel and The Revelation of John Contain the World's History

    In the second chapter of Daniel, beginning with the first universal kingdom (Babylon) after the flood, we have the world’s history from thence to the second coming of Christ, or to the end of the present world, represented in one great metallic image.

  • The Bear and the Leopard

    The example made of the Babylonian monarchs should have an object lesson to all successive kings. The godly influence of Cyrus might also have been retained, but the kings of Medo-Persia, like the Chaldeans, were looking forward to worldly glory without fear of Him who can set up Kingdoms, and depose kings.

  • The Non-Descript Beast of Daniel 7:7

    Following the four-headed leopard comes the non-descript beast of Daniel 7:7, representing the fourth universal empire from the flood, but the fifth one from creation. Rome is represented by a more terrible symbol than the kingdoms before it. There must be a special reason why the Roman monarchy is represented by a non-descript beast.

  • The Red Dragon of Revelation 12:3

    Since the numerous beasts form an unbreakable chain of the world empires, the dragon cannot intersect between the links as the symbol of a separate earthly system; thus he represents just what the Scripture says: “The Devil, and Satan.”  The figure is given to reveal Satan’s scheme at a certain time in our world’s history.